Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quiz2 - Red Hat Linux

Red Hat Linux - 2
1.       What is the command to install rpm package in Linux?
rpm -I packagename
rpm -i packagename
rpm -a packagename
rpmpkg -i packagename
2.       What is the command to check the detailed information about installed package?
rpm -qi packagename
rpm -qI packagename
rpm -l packagename
rpm -q packagename
3.       What is the command to check list of files installed by any package?
rpm -ql packagename
rpm -h packagename
rpm -i packagename
rpm -D packagename
4.       Create new logical volume with 25 extends with the name "database" in volume group vg1?
lvcreate -l 25 -n /dev/vg1/database
lvcreate -e 25 /dev/vg1/database
lvcreate -L 25 database
lvcreate -E 25 /dev/database
5.       what is the command to delete all the rules of iptables immediately?
iptables -D
iptables -F
iptables -R
iptables -d

6.       What is the command to check whether package is installed?
rpm -q packagename
rpm -ll packagename
rpm -l packagename
rpm -Q packagename
7.       Expand NTP
Network Time port
Network Time protocol
Network Transfer protocol
Network transfer port
8.       Which is the default MTA used in RHEL 6?
9.       which is the default file system in RHEL 6?
10.    Create a user raja with id 1456 and he should not have interactive login shell
useradd -x nologin raja –U 1456
useradd -S /bin/nologin –u 1456raja
useradd -s /sbin/nologin –u 1456 raja
useradd -s login disable –u 1456 raja

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