Saturday, November 15, 2008

Using Yum

•Install/Remove /Update
yum install package …..
Yum will check the repository for the package if it finds the package it will install the latest version, pulling in dependencies if needed.
yum remove package ….
Yum will remove the package named by you from your system. If any other package depends on the package then yum will prompt you and gives the option to remove those package too. –yum update package ……
•yum check the repository for the updated version of the package and then install them. If when no package are specified then yum search for updates to all of your currently installed packages.

What yum ?

Development of the RPM cemented the future of linux by greatly simplifying installation of the software. As the operating system became more complex, RPM began to show few weakness, primarily its inability to resolve dependencies.
To solve this problem of dependency resolution and package location, volunteer programmers at duke University developed Yellow dog Update, Modifier or YUM for short.
The yum-*.rpm is required to use yum command

The yum will be working on the repository.
What is repository ?
The repository is the location where the software or rpms are stored.
The repository can be created on any linux box it needs createrepo*.rpm
#createrepo –v directory path (-v verbose )

RPM Verification

•Installed RPM file verification :

•rpm –V verifies installed RPM against the RPM database
•rpm –Va verifies all installed RPMS against the RPM database
•rpm –Vp .i386.rpm

•Signature Verification before package install
•rpm –import RPM –GPG-KEY

•By default when the linux is install in the system the GPG-KEY for the redhat is stored in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
•rpm –qa gpg-pubkey

RPM Queries

rpm –q what_packages what_information
Or rpmquery
Installed Package Options :

rpm –qa queries all installed packages
rpm –qf filename #shows owning package
rpm –qi package_name #general information
rpm –ql package_name # lists files in package

Upgrading software

Normally when you need to Upgrade the software we use rpm –U .

When rpm –U is used for the software it will save the old config file as *.rpmsave.
But make a Note when you try to upgrade the kernel the old kernel will be deleted.

Do not use rpm –U or rpm –F for kernel software Upgradation.
Always use rpm –ivh kernel-version.acrh.rpm

Boot and test the new kernel

Installing and Removing software

Primary RPM options

Install : rpm -i , -- install
Upgrade : rpm -U , --upgrade
Freshen : rpm -F , --freshen
Erase : rpm -e , --erase
Output Options :
-v for verbose mode
-h for hash mode

Package Management in Linux

RPM – (Redhat Package Manager )

The Software to installed using RPM is distributed through rpm package files
Rpm packages are named as Name–version–release.Architecture.rpm

The version refers to the open source version of the project
The release refers to Redhat internal patches to the open source code

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


1. Obtaining and Installing Samba
Binary packages of Samba are included in almost any Linux or UNIX distribution.
There are also some packages available at the Samba home page.
Refer to the manual of your operating system for details on installing packages
for your specific operating system.

1. Configuring Samba (smb.conf)
Samba's configuration is stored in the smb.conf file, which usually resides
in /etc/samba/smb.conf or /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf. You can
either edit this file yourself or do it using one of the many graphical tools
that are available, such as the Web-based interface SWAT, that is included
with Samba.


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